March 13, 2012

..:: I am Falling For You::..

I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better

I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about you
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found you
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me

I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you

I’m fallin’ for you

[voice] :Ooohhh ..Oh no no .. Oooooohhh ..Oh I’m fallin’ for you

November 25, 2011


Here is just a quick update while waiting for Maghrib :) Some educations for the betterment of our future life :) As we know,electricity has got to be one of the greatest discoveries of all the time.Below are some tips to help us reduce the amount of electricity we use everyday.







There you go! :)

[voice] : The new straits time(credit)

October 21, 2011

..:: DOA ::..

(click to enlarge)

[voice] : Happy Friday to all :)

October 19, 2011


look at my new blogskin!!!
not new actually.just change the background
and colour thingy..I browsed through almost the entire and was extremely disappointed..
Not that there weren't any nice ones,
just that it wasn't the one I was looking for.

I do love the old blogskin ssooo muchh...YES!SO MUCH!!
because i love the combination of pink and white.
At the same time,I also love the skin to be white-based like the old skin,
I have to say goodbye to it because it did not work in Mozilla..*sigh*


my new blogskin ni didn't turn out to be what I expected it to be..
Whatever it is,
Hope you like it.if not,then too bad!
Well,that's what I want to say.

[voice]: harap semangat untuk hapdet blog pun bertambah seiring dengan blogskin baru ni.just wait n see how it goes :p

October 18, 2011

..:: i dont love you ::..

preparation to win the game ;p

[voice] : dear fever,please go away because i dont love you :(

October 17, 2011


Melayari kehidupan dunia bagaikan melayari ombak yg sentiasa tidak tenang, dengan tenggelam timbulnya pelbagai perasaan dan emosi. Hanya DIA yang Maha Mengetahui kehebatan dugaan ini.

Terutama apabila dikaitkan dengan perasaan dan rasa cinta fitrah yg diciptakan Allah bersama-sama penciptaan kita di dunia ini, sama ada yg bakal dialami atau sedang dialami oleh sesiapa sahaja, terutama golongan remaja.

Pelbagai ragam disaksikan oleh seluruh dunia, akibat penangan cinta yg diibaratkan api menyala-nyala, yg mana lagi disimbah, lagi marak ia menyala. Sehubungan itu, utk memadamkannya terus pasti sesuatu yg mustahil utk dilakukan.

Namun, jika ini fitrah dariNYA, maka yg pasti DIA tidak akan menzalimi hambaNYA, dan sudah pasti tersedia satu panduan pengawalan kepada fitrah ini.

Sebagaimana diketahui, nyalaan api memang membahayakan jika dibiarkan, namun jika dikawal dan diekploitasi dgn baik, berbahaya akan bertukar menjadi bermanfaat, seperti utk dijadikan bara memanaskan badan, atau untuk dijadikan tempat memanggang.

Apakah panduan yg DIA sediakan itu? Jawapannya adalah sunnah Rasulullah SAW yg amat menggalakkan perkahwinan. Kerana hanya kahwin dapat membendung fitrah ini, cinta yg halal disebabkan satu ikatan suci.

Dalam mencari keredaanNYA, perjalanan utk mendapatkan cinta yg halal itu perlu diambil perhatian sebenar-benarnya agar tidak terpesong dek desakan dan hasutan Iblis dan konco-konconya dalam memperindahkan maksiat kpd Al-Khaliq SWT.

Oleh itu, di sini diberikan satu garis panduan dalam mendapat keredhaannya dalam menelusuri medan pencarian cinta yg halal, dengan berpandukan Ayat 235, Surah Al-Baqarah:

وَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِيمَا عَرَّضْتُم بِهِ مِنْ خِطْبَةِ النِّسَاء أَوْ أَكْنَنتُمْ فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ عَلِمَ اللّهُ أَنَّكُمْ سَتَذْكُرُونَهُنَّ وَلَـكِن لاَّ تُوَاعِدُوهُنَّ سِرّاً إِلاَّ أَن تَقُولُواْ قَوْلاً مَّعْرُوفاً وَلاَ تَعْزِمُواْ عُقْدَةَ النِّكَاحِ حَتَّىَ يَبْلُغَ الْكِتَابُ أَجَلَهُ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ غَفُورٌ حَلِيمٌ

"Dan tidak ada dosa bagi kamu meminang wanita-wanita itu dengan sindiran atau kamu menyembunyikan (keinginan mengahwini mereka) dalam hatimu. Allah mengetahui bahwa kamu akan menyebut-nyebut mereka, dalam pada itu janganlah kamu mengadakan janji kahwin dengan mereka secara rahsia, kecuali sekadar mengucapkan (kepada mereka) perkataan yang ma'ruf. Dan janganlah kamu ber'azam (bertetap hati) untuk beraqad nikah, sebelum habis 'iddahnya. Dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hatimu; maka takutlah kepada-Nya, dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyantun."

Walaupun ayat ini, diturunkan bagi penerangan cara melamar dan mengahwini wanita yg masih dalam iddah (dari penceraian hidup atau mati), namun caranya masih boleh dipraktikkan dalam pencarian cinta halal yg diredhaiNYA sentiasa.

Melalui rujukan Tafsir Ibn Kathir, berikut dinyatakan langkah yg perlu diambil perhatian sepanjang perjalanan mendapatkan cinta yg terbaik lagi halal, apabila seseorg lelaki berkenan kpd si dia (perempuan) sebagaimana dinyatakan dlm ayat di atas:

(1) Menyatakan perasaan melalui sindiran dgn kata2 kinayah/berlapik (tersirat) yg baik-baik

(2) Menyembunyikan perasaan di dalam hati dan hanya menyebut-nyebutnya di kalangan org lain, tidak kepadanya secara jelas.

(3) Dilarang sekeras-kerasnya membuat janji rahsia dengan melafazkan perkataan yg tidak sepatutnya secara jelas dan boleh membawa kelalaian dan kemabukan cinta, seperti melafazkan (Aku Cinta Padamu, dan Aku berjanji akan berkahwin dgn mu), tetapi memadailah sekadar kata-kata kinayah/sindiran yg baik (antara sindiran yg baik, saya tertarik/minat dgn mu!) dan yang penting disusuli dengan pengetahuan wali/keluarga.

Daripada langkah yang disebut jelas oleh Allah SWT sebagai panduan, perlu ditekankan juga, segala-galanya juga perlu disandarkan dengan pergantungan kepadaNYA iaitu dengan ISTIKHARAH. Yangg pasti, tiadalah penyesalan/kekecewaan/putus asa bagi yg meminta petunjuk keputusan dariNYA.

Dinasihatkan dalam sebuah athar :

ما خاب من استخار ولا ندم من استشار

Ertinya : Tidaklah rugi sesiapa yang beristikharah ( meminta petunjuk) dan tidak menyesal mereka yang bermesyuarat ( Al-Awsat, At-Tabrani, 6/365)

Dengan mengikuti cara-cara yang Nabi Muhammad SAW tunjukkan, dan dengan doa lengkap baginda ajarkan khas utk ummatnya, maka InsyaAllah di sana akan ada petunjuk terbaik.

Memadailah kita berusaha dengan strategi dan perancangan, dan selebihnya urusanNYA yg menentukan terbaik utk kita, kerana "Ada hal-hal yang harus difikirkan manusia, tetapi ada juga hal-hal yg BUKAN HAK manusia utk memikirkannya.."

Tentang jawapan atau petunjuk Istikharah, tidak menjadi kemestian melalui mimpi atau sebarang petunjuk tertentu, dan kadang-kadang/kebanyakan petunjuk mimpi bukanlah petunjuk yg paling tepat kerana kita bukanlah seseorg yg bersih hatinya, dan kemungkinan mimpi kita telah diganggu oleh Syaitan untuk memayahkan kita dengan jawapan itu.

Justeru, apa yang dianjurkan adalah istikharah diteruskan sehingga ikatan pertalian telah selesai dilaksanakan, dan jawapan sebenar kepada istikharah adalah kelancaran perhubungan kita dengan si dia, tanpa ada sebarang halangan di tengah-tengah jalan.

Berikut adalah beberapa bentuk jawapan yg bakal kita dapat hasil istikharah berterusan dan hikmahnya.

(1) Jika diberi petunjuk positif, maka Alhmdulillah. Dan teruskan istikharah dan sentiasa bersyukur kepadaNYA. Hikmahnya adalah TIADA RUGI..

(2) Jika negatif jawapannya, maka itu lah dia hikmah Istikharah iaitu TIDAK KECEWA.

(3) Jika lambat mendapat keputusan maka hikmah Istikharah iaitu TIDAK PUTUS ASA.


Kesalahan yg biasa dilakukan oleh dua pasangan dalam istikharah, di sini ditegur dan disyorkan penyelesaian seikhlasnya utk kedua-dua, sama ada lelaki atau perempuan:

(1) Sekiranya hasil istikharah menunjukkan ketidakselesaan (dan dia merasakan ini jawapan) pada hati kepada salah seorg, maka dinasihatkan memberitahu kpd pasangan dengan sebaik mungkin, dan diberhentikan..dalam masa yg sama istikharah diteruskan.

(2) Jika didapati jawapan adalah positif, maka digalakkan disegerakan perkahwinan berserta diteruskan lagi istikharah, agar tiada masalah di sepanjang pelaksanaan.

(3) Jika belum mendapat apa-apa kepastian jawapan, maka digalakkan meneruskan istikharah dengan lebih istiqamah.

Adalah menjadi kesalahan dan satu kesilapan besar apabila masing-masing membuat istikharah dan mendapat jawapan, tetapi menyatakan "Saya sudah melaksanakan istikharah, dan jawapannya tidak boleh diberitahu (dirahsiakan), cukuplah saya dan Allah sahaja yg mengetahuinya".

Kenapa kenyataan ini salah, walaupun seolah-olah jika kita perhatikan mempunyai unsur-unsur pergantungan yg tinggi kepada Allah?

Betul! pergantungan kepadaNYA begitu tinggi (hablun minallah memang hebat), tetapi ke mana pergi hablun minan nas. Tidakkah dengan jawapan "gantung tidak bertali" ini akan menyebabkan pihak yg sedang menunggu jawapan, tertunggu-tunggu. Dan ternanti-nanti, malah menyebabkan fikiran pihak itu terganggu dalam segala urusan, hati pihak itu juga tidak akan tenang.

Alangkah baiknya, jika berterus terang.

قل الحق ولو كان مرا

(Katakanlah benar walaupun pahit), kata-kata Hikmah ini memadai utk menjawab segala-galanya, kerana dengan berterus-terang dan jujur, banyaknya kebaikan dan manfaat untuk semua.

Cukup mudah disebut, tapi agak susah dilaksanakan..BERTERUS TERANG dan JUJUR..

Seterusnya, dinasihatkan kepada yang sedang mengalami masalah ketidakstabilan emosi dalam menghadapi gelombang cinta ini. Tiada cinta yg sebenarnya kecuali hanya selepas dihalalkan dengan ikatan pernikahan, dan untuk ke arah itu, persediaan mental dan fikizal amat penting.

Oleh itu, sebelum melayan alunan cinta, pastikan kita cukup bersedia dengan perancangan ke arah utk menghalalkan perhubungan, bukan sekadar mahu melayan mengikut tuntutan nafsu muda semata-mata.

Jika perancangan belum pernah terlintas atau perjalanan masih jauh, adalah dinasihatkan cubalah sedaya upaya mengawal arus deras cinta yg hanya bakal menghanyutkan.

Sekali kita hanyut, selamanya kita akan menyesal, kerana dibimbangi KAFFARAH (penghapusan) dosa akan diterima apabila kita berkahwin kelak. Memang alunannya mengasyikkan sebelum kahwin, tetapi apabila setelah kahwin, alunan ini akan bertukar menjadi sumbang dan menyakitkan telinga.

Kerana percayalah, modus operandi Iblis dan konco-konconya hanyalah mencantikkan serta memperindahkan maksiat, dan menghodohkan serta memburukkan ibadah.

Akhirnya, nasihat ringkas untuk semua yg terlibat dgn hal-hal ini, mulakan dengan ISTIKHARAH pada hari ini, bukan dengan menetapkan "nama si dia" tetapi memadailah dengan menyatakan kepadaNYA "jodoh terbaik untukku"..agar hasil istikharah kita yg berterusan itu, dan jawapannya adalah sesuatu yg terbaik bakal DIA takdirkan.

Bagi mereka yg sedang dalam lamunan dan hanyut ombak, fikir-fikirkanlah utk menghalalkannya, dan jika masih belum bersedia, jangan sesekali bermain "api".

Dan bagi yang belum tiada dan masih dalam proses mencari atau masih belum memikirkan, maka sentiasalah berdoa ada diketemukan yang terbaik dari sisiNYA, dan setiap takdirNYA itu dirangkaikan dengan keredhaannya semata-mata.

Satu analogi utk seseorg yg bersedia ke arah cinta halal atau yg sedang bercita-cita ke arah itu..

"Untuk menjadi nakhoda, apa yang penting pada mulanya adalah persiapan sebuah bahtera yang lengkap dan berusaha sedaya mungkin untuk melihat dari segenap penjuru tentang keadaan bahtera tersebut. Seterusnya, nakhoda juga perlu menyiapkan diri dengan ilmu-ilmu pengendalian bahtera, serta ilmu-ilmu teknikal yang berkaitan, agar dengan membawa masuk anak-anak kapal ke dalam bahtera seterusnya berlayar, dapat menjamin keselesaan mereka semua. Yang pasti setiap bahtera berlainan nakhoda dan berlainan lautan menjanjikan pelbagai peristiwa/dugaan yang bakal ditempuh, dan ini semua diatasi dengan ilmu-ilmu yg telah dilengkapi sebelum ini.."

"jika hanya mendayung sampan, jangan sesekali menduga lautan dalam, jika hanya persediaan terlalu sedikit dan masih belum tetap pendirian serta keyakinan, jangan sekali mencuba utk memasuki alam perkahwinan yg menanti dgn 1001 warna kehidupan.."

Walau bagaimanapun, SABAR, TAWAKKAL & TAQWA itulah kunci segala-galanya..

اللهم إني أسألك حبك وحب من يحبك وحب ما يقرني إليك وأدخلني الجنة مع الحب

Ya Allah, aku memohon kecintaanMU, kecintaan orang yang sentiasa mencintaiMU, kecintaan apa sahaja mendekatkan diriku kepadaMU, dan masukkanlah aku ke syurga bersama-sama kecintaan itu..

[voice] : source :

Stand by your side by celine dion...

I cry and you comfort me
I'm lost and you hear my scream
So it's hard to watch you falling
When you run so deep in me
You live in me

Gonna stand by your side now
Let me kiss all your tears away
You can stay in my arms now
And I know I can make you believe again

I walk but you can run through fire
I search for reasons and baby you inspire
But I know somebody hurt you
And I know you really need a friend
Well you can take my hand

Gonna stand by your side now
Let me kiss all your tears away
You can stay in my arms now
And I know I can make you believe again

So when you're feeling like you can't go on
Don't you know
You never walk alone no
And you live in me

Gonna stand by your side now
Let me kiss all your tears away
You can stay in my arms now
And I know I can make you believe again

I'm gonna stand, stand by your side
Kiss all your tears away tonight
I'm gonna stand, stand by your side
Make you believe again
I wanna look in your eyes now and see you smiling again

[voice ] : deep thinking

June 16, 2011


terima kasih atas kehadiran.
terima kasih atas pengorbanan.
terima kasih atas sokongan.
terima kasih atas kejujuran.
terima kasih atas kebahagiaan.
terima kasih atas pengisian.
terima kasih atas segalanya.

[voice]: keindahan

June 14, 2011

..:: JIKA ::..

[voice] : Jika dia milikku,dekatkanlah antara kami,tapi jika dia bukan milikkku,jauhkanlah antara kami.Kepada-Mu kami berserah.

April 24, 2011

..:: Life is sweet with secret recipe ::..

lapang sikit jiwa raga bila drive keluar dari kolej
lihat persekitaran luar.
tambah2 lagi,arini punya cuaca memang the best.
cuaca lepas hujan,sejuk nyaman je rasa.

walaupun ada la kesesakan sikit sebab pokok tumbang.
Tapi tak menjadi masalah tunggu lama sikit pun.
Kita memang suka duk dalam kereta,dengar lagu,tengok sekeliling.
syok bangat!
Tujuan kita keluar pun untuk rehatkan fikiran dan topap je sebenarnye.

sambil menyelam,minum air.
sambil topap,kita beli la 3 items kat 7-eleven tu.Boleh juga menjadi peneman study malam ni.

Sambil kita jalan2 keluar tu kan,tetiba je rasa nak makan kek.(perempuan memang cam gini,penyakit 'tetiba' memang selalu datang.usah pelik ;p )Kita pun menjengah ke secret recipe yang berdekatan.Waah! Waah! dalam kedai tu.kek tersusun cantik.memang menyelerakan.nyum nyum!

Tetamu yang ada pun berselera makan.Ada yang bersama keluarga
Dan tidak dilupakan pasangan bercinta yang makan suap-suap dengan muka penuh berseri dilamun cinta .

Banyak sangat pilihan.Tak tahu nak yang mana satu.

At last,ternampak kek kegemaran / kegeraman setiap masa!


Chocolate indulgence menjadi pilihan.Kita memang suka kek coklat.Ingat lagi time kat jepun dulu,teringin sangat nak makan,kul 10 malam pun kita bakar kek kat rumah.Kebetulan semua barang dah ada.Macam mana tak gem*ks?

Di malam hari pun masih telan kek coklat basah.*lu pikir lah sendiri ;p *

[voice] : Tadi dah janji nak fokus balajar malam ni kan? chow dulu.nak belajar *konon* ;p

..:: Dengarkanlah Rintihan ku ::..

U olls,

Kita stress niee.....

Sebab ape?nak tahu x?

nak tahu x?

cakap le betul2..

nak tahu ke x nie?

ok2..kite siyes eh,

sebab week dah start paper pertama kita lar...

EXAM kawan2..


masalahnya kan,

kita tak abes study lagi.


Jawapanya senang je kawan2.

Sebab kita tak fokus ;p

Kalau setiap kali kita buka buku,

Tangan kita pun mesti tanpa disedari akn sambung earphone pada laptop.

dan klik YOUTUBE.

Search for American Next Top Model @ ANTM.

Tup Tap,malam dan hampir tibe...betul ni,tak tipu.

Bila dah syok layan ANTM,fikiran kita tak fokus lagi.

Kita akan fikir tentang fesyen dan dalam fikiran akan decide tarikh untuk shopping ;p

Bila mata dan otak kita penat.


Dasyat kan?

Kita memang cam gitu,langha ;p

OK.Sekarang ni pn tak study lagi,


kita rasa nak kuar jalan2 ambik angin kat luar kejap.hehehe

Takpe,malam nanti kita fokus OK?


[voice ] : Bila berjanji,tak elok mungkiri,jadi,kena la juga paksa diri untuk study malam nanti *doakanlah ye.hehe*

November 28, 2010

..:: WHAT MEN WANT ::..

What men are looking for in a women

A lot of women assume they know what it is men want from a relationship,but invariably they get it wrong.They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus,and like women, men have needs and expectations when it comes to finding love,so here are the tips to help women when it comes to figuring out what men want from a relationship.


Men look for women that are fun, with a sense of humor whom they can have a laugh with. Being able to share hobbies and things you both enjoy will help to bring you closer together as a couple. It shows that you have a playful side and being able to laugh at yourself shows your down to Earth and don't take things too seriously.


It goes without saying that men and women want trust from a realtionship and withouyt it a relationship is doomed. Trusted is something that is built over time and a man is likely to work a lot harder at a realtionship when they know that the trust is there.

Despite many women feeling that men have issues with actually want to build a home with partner. They want someone who can provide a loving and caring environment for their children to grow up in.

Men are looking for someone to be their companion and friend who they can tell their deepest feeling or fears to, and respect them.They want a woman who is able to give their opinion and be strong enough to admit that they may be wrong sometimes.


Just like women,men want someone who is there for them when they need to grumble about work or complain about things.Men are looking for a woman who will be understanding and truly listen to them and who is supportive.

By this we mean they want someone who is confident and secure in themselves,who doesn't need to be attached to their partner 24/7.While their lives are joined together in a relationship,still retain their independence, friends and individuality.


Men are looking for someone they can talk to rather than someone who shouts screams and cries when it comes to arguments.Being able to discuss problems rather than argue with one another is key.

[voice] : source-msn-relationship

Eat these for healthy hair
Maintaining thick glossy tresses can be hard,especially as the environment exposes them to so much,the hair dryers and straighteners we use,and of course the colour that we add to it.All of these can cause dry damages and brittle hair that's has lost its shine.However,just like diet affects your body,it also affect your hair,so make sure you eat these foods to keep your crowning glory health.

Oily fish - essential in maintaining in healthy scalp
Olive oil - gives hair a healthy shine
Eggs - the protein is essential for healthy hair.They help to make hair stronger so less breakages
Sweet potato - promotes growth
Bananas - containong vitamin B6 which is good for hair growth
Oranges - vitamin C helps with the development of collagen,essential for strong hair
Green vegetables - helps the body to create sebum,a natural conditioner secreted by hair follicles
Beef - promotes thickness and growth due to its iron content.Low levels cause hair loss
Flaxseed - Research found that lignans in flaxseed help to slow the rate of hair loss
Water - Helps to carry the relevant nutrients and vitamins to the hair and will also keep in hydrated

[voice ] : source : msn - life & style



Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Alhamdulillah,kita mulakan dengan ayat suci dan salam dahulu.

Maklumlah blog ini sudah bersawang.

Takut-takut ada hant* yang menghuninya setelah sekian lama ai tak log-in.

Tarikh last hapdet ialah November 30,2009! saya ulangi 2009!!!

Tarikh hari ini ialah November 28,2010!

Lagi 2 hari genap 1 tahun ai tak jengok blog.

2 perkataan yang boleh di gambarkan kenapa tak hapdet blog.

1) Busy dengan kehidupan

2)Lupa kewujudan blog !! errkk~

Selama setahun ai x sentuh blog langsung,sehingga lupa password untuk log-in,perlu terminate pword utk log-in kali ini >,<


Hari ini,entah kenapa dan mengapa,saya mengambil kesimpulan untuk ber-blog kembali.

Tapi pendekatan yang berlainan.

Kalau di Jepun dulu,ai akn bercerita tentang kehidupan seharian,perasaan,emosi,pengalaman n bla bla.


Blog kali ini akn bertukar seiring dengan kematangan diri ini..ececece

Content dalam blog ini bertukar kepada [artikel yang di baca oleh saya]!!!!

Contohnya,jika saya baca artikel tentang rokok,

saya akn salin BULAT_BULAT daripada artikel itu untuk dimuatkan ke dalam blog ini.

Kalau 10 artikel yang di baca dalam satu hari tu,akan ada 10 new post untuk hari itu.

Itu sahaja.Senang bukan.hehe

[voice] : Karya mengarut seperti sebelum ini juga mungkin turut dimuatkan.bergantung kepada keadaan,kerajinan,kemalasan penulis.

November 10, 2009


matlamat untuk buat marble chocolate cheesecake tak kesampaian.
oven rosak.
semalam dah pergi maruetsu beli cocoa powder,tepung,cheese bla bla bla
bila check oven,tak boleh guna pulak.
nasib baik check dulu.
weekend ni pun ingat nk buat chocolate cake untuk kawan tempat baito.
dah janji dah dengan hayato.
nak buat kek sebab dia tolong ai cuci lantai aritu.
dah berpuluh kali dia ungkit...hee
nampaknya tak kesampaian jugek...
nak buat camane,takde rejeki....huu..terkilan sungguh..

[voice]: nak beli oven baru pun,dah serba salah.nak balik mesia dah pun.....shou ga nai ne..

November 05, 2009


  1. siapkan bahan untuk presentation hari isnin
  2. kemas rumah-lipat baju,basuh baju,asingkan baju(susun ikut musim),lap peti sejuk,kemaskan rumah sampai berkilat
  3. masak special untuk treat diri sendiri selepas bekerja keras
  4. hantar tupperware kak tika dan kak ani
  5. beli lauk untuk bulan ni
  6. email vice canselor Universiti Malaya dan UMP
  7. email untuk urusan kontena
  8. call tenchou tanya shift baito
  9. spend masa 1 hour setiap hari untuk baca novel
harap-harap dapat selesaikan semuanya sebelum hari Isnin 9 November dah tak mo tangguh-tangguh kerja lagi.makin kita tangguh,makin bertimbun.Setaip kali ai tangguh kerja,ai mesti teringat kat sorang senpai ai yang memang menggunakan masa sebaik banyak kali gak la buat jikken ngn dia.setiap kali buat jikken,memang akan ada banyak masa menunggu.dia akan cuba guna 100% masa menunggu tu untuk buat menda yang lebih bermanfaat.dia adalah juga nasihat ai supaya bijak menggunakan masa.Katanya,bila dah masuk alam pekerjaan nanti,baru ai akan tahu kepentingan masa.Tapi betul la apa dia cakapkan tu.time student ni,kita tak rasa lagi.banyak main-main.habeskan masa.bila dah masuk alam pekerjaan,baru kite tahu kepentingan wang dan masa.sebab tu ai dah tak sabar nak nak belajar semua menda yang mungkin ai tak dapat belajar time jadi student ni.semua menda ni akan mematangkan kita kerna pengalaman adalah cikgu terbaik kita.(:

[voice]: makan obento sambil hupdate blog kat lab..korekara cam nak bawa obento la datang sekolah.boleh jimat duit.makan pun puas hati...

October 26, 2009



[voice] : sigh

October 22, 2009

..::sushi oh sushi::..

baru balik dari kappa sushi..........
makan dari pukul 18:30~23:00.........
nice talk with my lovely senior about the future.....
BANYAK sangat dapat input........
yang berguna untuk masa kini.........
masa depan................
makan free sebab dia belanja.................
harap bila-bila free nanti........
dapat keluar main bowling sesama pulak..........
(kalau dia nak belanja lagi,apa salahnya,,;p..............)
dah kena sambung kerja...........
jenis kerja: persediaan untuk presentation hari Isnin ni............
kalau hari Jumaat dah siapkan semua kerja..................
hari sabtu dan ahad @ weekend......
kita boleh............................................................................................

[voice]: hokey!hokey!tahan mata,kuatkan hati!!fokus!!!=)

October 21, 2009

..::masih belum::..
walaupun-dah-dapat-aku-masih-mencari-dan-terus-mencari-aku-masih-belum-puas-moga-aku-dapat-yang-paling-amat-teramat paling-baik-amin-bak-kata-orang-kalau-ada-rezeki-tak-ke-mana-Allah-tolong-aku-

[voice]: walaupun mata dah tak larat nak buka,otak masih berbisik,teruskan mencari!jangan tidur!!*sigh*

October 10, 2009


nak balik!
nak borak!
gelak-gelak dengan adik-adik!
boleh hilang semua stress dalam kepala!
frankly speaking,rumah tempat yang aku paling bahagia!

p/s: homesick berlaku bila takde idea nk siapkan report.selasa ni dah kena present..adehh

August 26, 2009

..::hari ke-5 puasa::..

" Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan keatas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu, supaya kamu menjadi orang yang bertaqwa " (Surah Al-Baqarah : 183)

[voice]: petang ni boleh buka puasa free..makan free..lepas tu, pakai baju kurung,bergambar untuk salam perantauan...^_^

August 24, 2009


terasa nak hapdet blog.
lepas baca blog sorang budak ni.(kawan ai time sekolah dulu)
blog dia sangat-sangat ringkas.
just tulis pasal kehidupan seharian dan apa perasaan dia je.(untuk setiap post)
tapi,ai rasa sangat tertarik
walau apa yang dia tulis tu tak berapa memberi manfaat,
tapi sebab dia tulis blog dari hati,
macam ada satu daya tarikan plak nak terus membaca.
dapat rasa keikhlasan time die tulis..(yo,yo je haku ni..hihi)

[voice]: tadi dapat buka puasa free...alhamdulillah..dan esok plan keluar buka puasa dengan kawan jepun..lepas tu shopping omiyage..weee~~

August 19, 2009

..::hip hip horray::..

phewww~~..akhirnya berakhir sudah semester pertama untuk tahun ni.
summer break ai dah bermula.start esok,plan cuti berjlan.
kuar ber enjoy-enjoy dipanas terik mentari kat yokohama esok.
pastu,ingat nak baito setakat yang mampu
sebab dah mula kena kumpul duit.
kalau still tak kumpul duit lagi,kekkou yabai gak sebab
'masa' dah semakin suntuk.
lepas tu,boleh kemas-kemas rumah yang memang
macam tongkang pecah tahap dewa.
dah kena kemas dari A sampai Z.
dari A sampai Z...semua benda perlu diberi perhatian.
kasi bersih,suci,murni sikit.baru best!

owh,raya pun dah nak dekat(even ramadhan pun x menjengah lagi.huu)
bila sebut raya,mesti terfikir baju raya,kuih raya,lagu raya bla-bla..
ai memang dah eksited fikir-fikir baju raya camne untuk tahun ni.
bila dah lama duk jepun ni,jarang pakai baju kurung,kebaya,lagi lah rasa eksited nak pakai.
macam ayu je kalau tengok gadis-gadis melayu kat mesia berbaju kurung.
sangat sweet.
dalam perancangan,tahun ni macam nak pakai baju kebaya pada hari raya.
tapi warna apa cam tak berapa sure lagi.
kasut nak camne?tudung plak?nak tudung ekin ke tudung siti ke tudung bawal ..
memikirkannya pun dah cukup seronok.

baju raya tahun lepas yang tak berapa suka sangat.pergi beli last minute.tak dapat nak pilih betul-betul yang berkenan di hati.

[voice]:moga-moga ai dan semua family ai dikurniakannikmat kesihatan,dan dapat beraya dengan bahagia tahun ni.jauhilah kami dari H1N1 yang sangat menakutkan itu.(amennn...)

August 18, 2009


arini.senpai dan sensei telah berjaya buat ai mengalirkan air mata.maji kandoushita.sensei memang sangat baik.terasa macam ayah sendiri pun ada gak kadang-kadang tu.nanti ai balik mesia,,,ai gerenti akan belikan sesuatu untuk sensei dan senpai.

[voice]: orang jepun memang best!SAIKOU

August 15, 2009

..::cepatnya masa berlalu::..

tinggal 2 hari lagi before exam.
cepatnya masa berlalu..
rasa macam baru semalam sensei kasi cuti untuk ai study.
dah satu bulan berlalu.
tapi,fasa kelajuan ai study tersangat-sangatlah lambat.
dah tahu dah otak tak berapa nak hebat,
masih tak nak belajar...cmne tuh?masalah besar tu!
tiap-tiap hari buat jadual.
nak study itu,nak study ini.
siap je tulis jadual,
buka youtube,karaoke.
layan movie,baca blog,facebook.
haiyayayaya..ape nak jadi dengan diri ini.
kurang motivasi..
call rumah.dengar kata-kata nasihat daripada ayah dan umi.
terus rasa tak nak tido.
terus bersemanagat waja,membara..


lepas baca buku 30 minit,,mata pulak mengantuk.
macam best je kalau tido..


esok pun rutin sama.

sampai lah hari ni.tiada perubahan ke arah kebaikan.

isnin exam dah start...adeiiiiii...

ape akan jadi agaknya...

kita tunggu dan lihat je lah ye..


[voice]: doakan yang terbaik buat saya yer..;)

August 09, 2009

..::NANI,YES,YOU CAN!!!::..

As life goes by,
We always search for meaning,
And look for love,
And why we seem to fall
There we are, not knowing what the future finds
But it's just a matter of time,
Before our rhythm finds a rhyme
Before our bells to start to chime
Before we end our uphill climb

We should never give up,
We should never give in
Always fight for a brighter tomorrow
When the going gets tough,
Then the victory begins
No mountain's as high as it seems
So never give up on your dreams

Our time will tell
If we're not what we seem
The things we do, don't match the things we are
Look inside, our happiness is always there
We are simply one of a kind
Can't let others make us blind
With some patience we will find
We can do what's on our mind

Work will win when wishing won't,
You've got to pay the price.
No pain no gain don't fizzle out
It's time to roll the dice.
It's not over till it's over
Hang on till the end
You've got to keep the dream alive
You were born to win

[voice]: this song is amazing!really give me motivation...(:

July 30, 2009


begitulah bunyi perasaan ini..
betapa rindunya nak mengarang kat blog..
terasa macam nak share semua benda tentang hidup ini..
dari 'A sampai Z'...
tapi dari mana ai patut mulakan?
pasal apa yang patut dishare..
perkara apa yang tidak patut dishare?
kalau dishare lebih-lebih pasal diri,ai rasa cam tak sedap hati jugek.
zaman sekarang,dah jadi cam trend.semua orang akan menulis blog.
tulis pasal masalah peribadi,kegiatan seharian,gambar barang-barang shopping,kisah keluarga.
kira cam tulis diari,tapi semua orang boleh baca.(kalau blog tak diprivatekan).
ada juga sesetengah tuan blog dapat jadi kaya raya disebabkan blog.
jual cupcakes,beg,tie rack,baju,accessories,kebaya untuk hari raya dan macam-macam lagi.
nak dijadikan cerita, ai pernah kenal dengan sorang minah ni.

sekarang dah boleh buka kedai sendiri ala-ala butik.
dulu,asal-asal,jual kat internet secara kecik-kecilan je.
ai salah seorang pembeli dan turut

ditawarkan menjadi model untuk memperaga kan tudung yang dibeli untuk dia
letak kat website dia..haa,,jangan main-main!!...hoho
alhamdulillah,turut berasa bahagia sebab orang melayu sudah pandai berfikir
sesuatu jalan untuk memajukan diri.!!

ada juga,mereka-mereka yang berkongsi ilmu yang ada menerusi blog.
Tulis tentang motivasi,ilmu agama,politik semasa,dunia fesyen,gossip artis.

apa-apa pun,itu adalah hak individu untuk mewarnakan blog masing-masing yang menjadikan
dunia internet zaman sekarang semakin indah...=)
untuk blog ai ni,ai tak de pengkhususan apa-apa...
akan conteng ikut suka hati,jiwa raga je.
kalau ada masa terluang,ade idea,ai akn cuba hapdet.
tapi,harapan ai kali ini,untuk setiap post yang akan dishare kat sini,
minta-minta tak de kontroversi apa-apa.

[voice]: perasaan sedikit tak puas hati dengan post yang mengarut ni.LAYAN JE LAH..;)

July 27, 2009



[voice]: lama sangat cuti,sampai dah tak ingt setting font untuk previous entry cmne...huhu

March 27, 2009


Deep inside my heart,I felt a kind of complicated feelings.A very difficult feelings about what I had gone through and going through.huwarrgh..dou shiyou...maji yabai!!maji yabai!!maji yabai!!,kono kimochiga...jibundemo wakaranai...but,I like this feeling..hihi

[voice]: Ouch!I'm flying....

March 12, 2009

..::sekadar coretan biasa::..

terlalu banyak perkara ai nak tulis kat blog ni untuk dikongsikan...tapi masa betul2 tak berkesempatan duk depan lappy dan hupdate segalanya..jadual ai sehari-hari dah penuh dengan perbagai acara..maklumlah,dah orang kasi cuti selama lebih kurang 1 buln lebih ni,gunakan secara total..100% gitu...barulah dinamakan memanfaatkan masa kan...ekekek..bebila free ai nak hupdatelah..tak best jugak tinggalkan blog bersawang wang wang..;p

[voice]: whatever..(:

March 09, 2009

..::sleepless night::..

Make a Lady Bug Note at

[voice]: 4:00 a.m.09.03.2009

February 17, 2009


[voice]: T_T

February 14, 2009


1. The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW) held a special forum on Palestine.
2. In my opening speech I stressed that the war in Palestine is not a religious war between Islam and Judaism. It is a territorial war resulting from the European powers carving out a slice of Palestinian land in order to create the State of Israel.
3. It is grossly unjust for the Europeans to solve their Jewish problem by taking land belonging to the Arab Palestinian to give to the Jews for their homeland. It is grossly unfair that they should transfer their problem to the Arabs.
4. The participants at the forum represented all races, belonging to all religions. There were ethnic European Christians, Chinese Catholics, Hindus, Sikhs, Malay Muslims, Arab Muslims, Chinese Buddhists and many others.
5. They came together because they were moved by the human tragedy that is happening in Gaza, Palestine. That the Palestinian Arabs are mostly Muslims did not lessen the feeling of sympathy felt by the participants.
6. Two doctors from Jordan were present. They had gone to Gaza to show their sympathy and brotherhood and to help treat the casualties. They were not prepared to see the carnage caused by Israeli attacks.
7. The Israeli forces appeared to be using new kinds of shells and bombs which exploded after bouncing off the ground hurling sharp metal shrapnel which cut deep into the bodies of the victims.
8. Many had their arms and legs severed by the shrapnel, while others died when the shrapnel cut deep into their bodies and organs.
9. One man was saved because the shrapnel cut into a small Quran he had in his pocket but stopped short of his chest.
10. Phosphorus bombs scattered white phosphorus all over the victims. The phosphorus sticks to the body and burn as long as there is oxygen in the air. It burns through the skin, through the muscles and through the bones. It is impossible to remove the phosphorus without cutting deep into the tissues and bones.
11. The pictures of decapitated bodies, shrapnel severed arms and legs were horrifying. The surgeons had to operate on stretchers with several operations going on in one room at the same time. There was blood everywhere and yet there was no blood for transfusion.
12. The video also showed Israeli men and women being interviewed. They were quite hysterical, shouting and demanding that the Palestinian children should be killed as they, the Israeli women had lost their children because of rocket attacks by Hamas.
13. The Gaza attacks exposed the horror of modern warfare. No one is spared. The town of Gaza is reduced to rubble and bodies were strewn everywhere. Children were buried under the rubble of fallen buildings, with only their dead heads visible. There were burnt bodies of babies.
14. Professor Gurdial Singh spoke about how Israel could be tried by an International War Crimes Court.
15. Then it was question time. An Englishman voiced his anger that the pictures of the atrocities were not made public in the United Kingdom. He wished that the Jordanian doctors could give their briefings together with the pictures in London.
16. Responding to the remarks, Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out that the Western media is owned by a small number of people and they control the news contents. They were obviously pro-Israel and their policy is to promote the Israeli cause against Palestine and Muslims in general.
17. Many of the questions asked showed strong sympathy for the Palestinians. The questions were from all races and religions.
18. Then a young Arab man took the floor. The first thing he said was to emphasise that the Palestinian war is a religious war. Muslims must support the Palestinians because of their faith. There can be no two ways. The Arabs must fight a holy war against the Jews. They must fight because the Jews are the enemies of the Muslims, of the Arabs.
19. I felt uncomfortable, as there were many non-Muslim supporters of the Palestinians in the audience. Making the Palestinian war as a religious war seem to reject the sympathy and support of the non-Muslims.
20. A Chinese Catholic got up to reply that he has full sympathy for the Palestinians who had lost their land, who had been driven out of their country to live as refugees. He thought that the Palestinians were unjustly treated and the Israeli killings of the Palestinians were against all humanitarian values. He did not see it as a religious war but a war against injustice and oppression.
21. I was depressed by the attitude of the young Arab. It seems he was moved only by the hatred of the Jews. On the other hand the demand of the Israeli woman to have Palestinian children killed also exposes her bitter hatred of the Palestinians.
22. This is wrong. Of course enemies must hate each other. But that must not be the reason for the war. Actually it is a product of the war.
23. The real reason for the war is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. The objective of the Palestinians should be the re-conquest of the lost land, including removal of the settlements set up by the Jews. The whole war must be directed with this objective.
24. What I realised when the young Arab vehemently declared that the war is a religious war was that the war would have no end. The objective was to kill Jews because of their religion.
25. On the Jewish side it is the same. They want to kill and destroy the Arabs because they hate the Arabs. That explains their brutality, their targeting schoolchildren, babies and old people. That also explains the diabolical weapons that they use, not just to kill but to cause as much pain and disfigurement as possible.
26. The Israeli leaders, especially the military are said to welcome Hamas rockets. To provoke Hamas into firing their rockets the Israelis blockaded Gaza.
27. When Hamas fired the rockets, Israelis would condemn the deaths, especially of children. The people were angered by the death and demanded retaliation, which the military duly obliged with massive attacks out of all proportion to the damage done by the unsophisticated Hamas rockets.
28. For their part the Palestinians would show the effects of Israeli brutality, the destruction of the towns and the deaths of innocent children. The hatred against the Jews was fanned to red heat, and Palestinians would become ready to kill the Jews in any way they can. They would fire more rockets and the Jews would retaliate with even greater force and brutality.
29. Both sides have now forgotten the reasons for their war. It is like the clan war of old, when for generations the hatred would be kept alive and both sides would want to go on fighting and killing each other.
30. The Palestinians are getting the worse deal in this "I kill your people, you kill my people," fighting.
31. I was asked by the Jordanian doctor, when will this war end. I think it will have no end because it has degenerated into feuds of old, when Semitic tribes fight each other for generations simply because they were traditional enemies. The original reason for the enmity has long been forgotten.
32. If the war is going to be terminated both sides must try to remember the original cause and negotiate for peace. The backers of the contestants should cease providing money and weapons so they will continue to fight. Instead they should urge both sides to discuss a peace not based on who is more powerful but on justice.


[voice]: for those who didn't watch Majalah-3-episode-57 yet,dont forget to watch it at

February 13, 2009


Pagi ini,sambil ai tengok dokumentari,
ai terjumpa satu rancangan yang ai rasa menarik untuk dikongsi.
Tajuknya ialah Extreme Engineering-Kuala Lumpur Mega Tunnel...
Pada mulanya ai tak tahu rancangan berkenaan apa.
ai tertarik untuk lihat sebab ada perkataan (kuala lumpur) disitu...
Negara kesayanganku ada dalam list Discovry Channel?
msti tak percayakan...
Bukan senang Malaysia boleh 'fofular' cam gini...
ai harap u oll boleh tengok sendiri ianya brkenaan apa
video ini akan terangkn segalanya secara jelas...
bila tengok rancangan ni, ai rasa sedikit 'eksited'
ai tak pernah tahu pun kewujudan projk pembinaan Tunnel di Kuala Lumpur.
ai yang kitinggalan zaman?maklumlh,
sejak berita dikotori dengan pergaduhan antara parti politik,
atau prkara yang sewaktu dengannya,
ai dah tak baca berita
dalam jangka masa yang panjang.
ai tak nk memeningkan 'kepala hotak' ai dengan benda cam gitu..
ai harap semua rakyat Malaysia boley brsatu padu,
menggunakan masa yang ada untuk pembangunan negara,
melebihkan masa untuk benda baik seperti pembinnaan tunnel ni sendri...
atau benda lain seperti
menggalakkan dan meramaikan rakyat malaysia
dapat Hadiah Nobel,
memajukan dan melayakkan lebih
ramai atlit negara ke
peringkat antarabangsa..

nanti sensei ai pun kenal
Malaysiakan..sekarang ni,sensei ai asyik tanya
Malaysia tu negara cam mana..*sedih*

brbalik kepada video tu,
u oll bolh tengok sendiri,,
mat salleh tu 'jugek' yang 'beriya' kaji tentang projek mega ni.
Orang Malaysia pula cmmana ye?
mungkin tidak berminat?*brfikir*
walau apapun,,ai berharap projek ini akan berjaya
negara kesayangan kita semua,Malaysia
akan berdiri sama tinggi dengan negara maju di dunia..ammeenn...

[video]: ai nk brsarapan pagi dlu..teringin pulak makan nasi belauk,roti goreng kat kedai mak cik kegemaran ai kt kelate...sedap:)

February 12, 2009

..::Sharing is Caring?*smile*::..

not updating for.. a few days,
I feel like updating!!!
Yea, suddenly.
Don't ask me why x_x
love to write about a piece of music im really like.
It meant a lot to me
I dont wanna upload it onto my site in the first place
its a very personal and private song to me.
I can re-played it again and again for hours
still, love it.
Every time I listens to it,

all thoughts will rushed in,
filling and swirling every single space in my brain.
So many great ideas and memories just keep popping up,.
This music can smoother me,

give me strength to continue with life when things get too hard,
give me inspiration..
caused me to think,
make me allow to be a better person..
i dont knoe if it will caused any impact on you
u listen to this music in any way,
but amazingly,
it did on me.
I hope any one of you out there will enjoy this music as much as i do..:)

[voice]: currently listning to,,,,dot dot dot! =D>

February 09, 2009


“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.
Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
~~~Gail Devers quotes~~~

The difference between holding on to a hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is like the difference between laying your head down at night on a pillow filled with thorns or a pillow filled with rose petals."
~~~Loren Fischer ~~~

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
~~~Confucius ~~~

[voice]: personal growth...

February 06, 2009

..::Shopping Theraphy::..

Fuh… what a day… back pain, leg pain… headache?not at all... coz I’m enjoying the stuffs that I bought! !
Today, I spent some money for what is so called "retail theraphy"....
When they say, shopping is a good theraphy for ladies… I have to say, it’s so true! It was just soo fun walking and walking into endless stores,window shopping and then ending up getting myself these stuffs...

Theraphy today went pretty ok I must say.. didnt buy much but I found what I want.

Well.. wishing everyone a lovely weekend. I’m going to take my shower now and head to bed.

[voice] : lalala...:)

February 01, 2009

..::A Thought for Today::..

If not now, when?
If not you, who?
If not here, where?
If not thus, how?

Source: Unknown

[voice]: .....full stop

January 31, 2009

..::Eating Time!!::..

Feeling tired,sleepy and cold now!Just finish praying and felt better I guess.Gonna blog about today's dinner.

I am well satisfied today,I didn't have to be stuck in home,cook and eat alone.Thanxz kak G-ha for even suggesting to go to eat sushi in the first place.We decided to go to Kappa Sushi.I don't always get to Kappa Sushi,due to time constraint,reports,and laziness,but since I am almost done,its time to go and enjoy!!!(tambah2 bila dah ade Mr Aria kan.lagi senang nk keluar.10-Q kepada tuan empunya*smile*)

It was a nice time together,laughing,eating,and more laughing.shangat seronox!
And the sushi plak were rolled fresh as you ordered.owh,shangat YUMMY you knoe!!!

so,here's what I had...

before tu,kite order dlu..;p

ebi,cooked shrimp-2 plates

ebi,cooked shrimp with mayonis?-2 plates

unagi,freshwater eel-1 plate

nantoka sakana...*forgot the name*-1 plate

chocolate cake-1 plate

macha pudding-1 plate

chesse cake-1 plate

melon-1 plate


the green tea..(yang ni boley minum sampai pecah of charge!)

The happy face!!

Kappa Sushi is the best ever!!For 1416 yen,I was able to eat amazing sushi and deserts until I couldn't walk.=D

[voice]: oyasumik!!

January 30, 2009

..::10,000 jobless so far since Jan 1::..

KUALA LUMPUR: More than 10,000 Malaysians have lost their jobs since Jan 1, according to Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Shamsuddin Bardan. He said more were expected to lose their jobs in the days ahead as companies, particularly in the manufacturing sector, struggled to stay afloat. In an urgent appeal to the Government yesterday, he said it was of utmost importance for the second economic stimulus package to be released fast so that companies could know clearly where they stood. The Government released a RM7bil stimulus package last month and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak promised a second one soon. Shamsuddin said the economic downturn this time was much worse than the one in 1997 because it was more widespread globally. The situation was more critical as almost 600,000 job seekers flooded the local market every year, he added. Another factor that added to the woes of the jobless was the presence of 1.5 million to two million illegal foreigners vying for the same jobs. He suggested that the Government, as a long-term measure, repatriate all illegal workers, replace legal foreign workers in stages with Malaysians, freeze foreign recruitment and give job priority to Malaysians. In Seremban, Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said employers in the manufacturing sector in the state had been told to reduce their dependence on foreign workers. “Many foreign workers are untrained. They do not even know how to mix cement and they are paid RM50 per day. I am sure locals can do such jobs,” he said.

[voice]: reading this article makes me get headaches for many reasons.waduuhhh!!!!....Let's pray for a beautiful tomorrow !! ammeeenn

January 15, 2009





[voice] : &#$!)#*$()!# O.F.F $)!!!#%*&%#$!!

January 12, 2009



  1. Study for Chemistry of Catalysis test.
  2. Study for Photochemistry test.
  3. Do tons of laundry.
  4. Go to the grocery store and get stuff to make my favorite meal for dinner.
  5. Take a long walk and just enjoy being outdoors,or watch a fishing show on TV,which is kinda like being outdoors.
  6. Cook at least one new dish each week. I’ve been doing really well at this.I’ve actually been looking forward to leftovers!
  7. Call mom ask about the birthday present.
  8. Call an old friend that I've been meaning to catch up with.
  9. Clean bathtub.
  10. Organize the bedroom.
[voice] : try to keep myself in motion and not allow myself to sit around wallowing.

January 11, 2009

..::Happy Birthday::..

To you,Shahida,if u're reading this,on this your birthday,I wish you...
To make you smile,laugh,and cry for joy..
Thinking of you and the good times we spent,
Make me smile...
When the world looked
gloom,and I felt down,
You were there to say those magic words,
tried to comfort me.
Thanks for everything you've done for me.
You are
such a great friend.
You're the best gift God ever send to me..:)
All your wishes come true.
I just wanted you to know,
I'm real
lucky to have a friend like You!
hAPPY bIRTHDAY to a friend who's always
close to my heart!

[voice] : Hugs...with losta love!

January 07, 2009


Hye everyone...!!
can you believe that 2009 is already here!where does time go,huh?

Everyone will be facing a new chapter
in their lives like setting resolutions
for new year and determining to do better in studies,career,love life or whatsoever.
No matter in which way because
everyones's life is different.what about me?.. well,

  • i manage to have a new vision
  • i manage to forget the past

  • i manage to get my feet on the ground

  • i manage to build a new life and open a new chapter
  • n bla bla bla

that sounds pretty good,doesnt it?The great thing about life is that
we get to choose who we want to be and then take steps to become that person.And we get to start over whenever we want,
no matter what mistakes or stumbles lie in the past.past is past.
everyone have mistakes,i guess because
no one is perfect.
and I admit,i've done mistakes in my life
before and I learn from them. :p
The only way through the
darkness and into the light is to pick
myself up and take action.
Great accomplishments take time but are always worth the effort.
The best investment I can make is in myself.I feel good about myself everyday..
I must tell you people that the one thing I always do is pray to God.Allah has given
life to me,He's blessed me with a great family that
I would die for.Sometimes I wonder if I've done enough to repay
the blessings Allah has bestowed me.I've been a person who's sinful beyond words,who
goes against some of the rules He's set.*sigh*
But,through it all,He's been a God who's so merciful,so forgiving
and always be there for me when I couldnt turn to anyone else..*huwaa,fell like crying*
I think i should stop now...-_-'

*got these pictures all over the net
I love accessories and jewelry and if you ask me,hijabis cannot be beaten at accessorising simply because a scarft is in fashion and accessory and so are brooch,under caps,etc.
Here are some of my favourite ways to accessorise,hijab styles.I love their exotic faces,and love the way they rock the hijabs...they are so versatile...

[voice] : lamo doh raso macam nok g turkey n borong tudung ni banyok-banyok...kalo order ikut internet,mahal..iAllah suatu hari nanti..bilalah agaknya ye..teeettt...;p